9 de agosto de 2011

09 de agosto de 2011!

Na terça-feira, tivemos aula de inglês com a professora Sara!
Trabalhamos alguns textos e frases em inglês.

Texto: “Better than Nothing”

Imagine sending a Portuguese message to a friend in Russia who opens up the e-mail... and it is in Russian? Thanks to technology known as machine translation, e-mail and Web pages can be translated with a simple click of the mouse. Should we think international language barriers - just like geographic ones - will soon be broken down by the Internet? Not quite.

Try it yourself. Go to AltaVista - where the service is offered for free - and search for a Web page on a topic you are interested in. Before you hit "search", though, select a language you don't speak, say, French. You are bound to get a list of hits only in that language. The word "Translate" appears at the end of each entry. Select it, and you will be shown a French Web page in English.

Notice the wording: "You will be shown a French Web page in English", which is not the same as, "You will be reading a French Web page in English." While individual words can be recognized, the actual sentences will most likely be nonsensical. "It's not about perfect translation. It's about understanding," says AltaVista's technical director. Nowadays, lots of machine translator software packages are available, all requiring that the user be pretty "understanding". Here is the warning message one gets when trying to run one of the less sophisticated programs:

"lf you've read no instructions, then the program will not work. It is not intuitive ... Use no plurals or conjugated verbs (say 3 man rob bank yesterday, not 3 men robbed it)."

It must be conceded that most machine translation companies are careful to state their products are no substitute for human translation. As says the chairman and CEO of Systran, which provides the software for AltaVista's translation service, the aim here is simply to get the gist of the meaning: "We never say it's marvelous or fantastic - it's valuable if you nothing better."

Frases: Em briga de namorados virtuais não se mete o MOUSE.

Em terra OFFLINE, quem tem discada é rei.

Mais vale um arquivo no CHIPS do que dois baixando.

Quando a esmola é demais, tem VÍRUS anexado.

Quem com VÍRUS infecta com VÍRUS será infectado.

Quem semeia E-MAIL colhe SPAMS.

Vão-se os arquivos, ficam os BACK-UPS.

HACKER que ladra, não morde!

Não adianta chorar pelo LINK clicado!

Quem vê NICK não vê cara e muito menos coração!

Se correr o HACKER pega, se ficar o HACKER come!

Se Maomé não vai até a montanha, ela envia um E-MAIL... 

É nos menores CHIPS que se encontram as melhores informações.

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